Friday, January 7, 2011

Everything but the kitchen sink...well, at least everything under it.

Boy, have I been busy with some of the YUCKY tasks this week. No, not the toilets thankfully. Its like Toni (over at A bowl full of lemons) is taunting me with my most avoided chores of all time through this challenge. My husband on the other hand is lovin' it. Get ready for some quick photo blogging peeps- I've got more organizing and cleaning to do!

Here's what I was up to on Day #5 of  the "Getting Organized Challenge": Under the Kitchen Sink  

I have been avoiding this spot since we moved in due to some water damage that has since been "repaired". It is still needing a bit more attention that won't happen until we begin refinishing the cabinets. Also, well, because its just UGLY.  My expectations are just on this side of not UGLY for the after results but at least it will not be on the "Throw it in there with your eyes closed and close the cabinet -QUICK!" list
BEFORE:(still can't believe I am showing you all this)
After a good scrubbing, some organizing, and some shelf liner- It's better. It's still not pretty but at least I am not avoiding it is just under the kitchen sink right?!

Now what about you? C'mon you can do it too!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Dreaded Desk Blog

Although my posts the next few days won't be as "thrilling" as my creative side would like, or as thought provoking as my intellectual side would prefer, they are EXTREMELY helpful to the practical/don't-go-crazy-over-little-things-that-don't-matter-as-much-as-the-people-I-love side of me. Thanks for sticking with us:)

Challenge #2 was to conquer the desktop clutter a.k.a my arch-nemesis.  Important note: Paper clutter is overwhelming to me. I run from it, intentionally avoiding it every time. Its the old "friend" that I avoid eye contact with across a crowed room OR if we are the only two in the room. You get the picture. 

I spend a lot of time at my desk studying, writing, blogging, face-booking, etc *usually*. This Christmas break I tried to be intentional with the time I spent with my husband and kiddos while they were home. Cuddling, watching movies, just watching them grow and growing us together as a family too. So my home sweet desk didn't get much attention other than to dump stacks of mail and a brief check of the calender now and again and RUN!

It was time to face my fear. Mission Accomplished!*with an addendum  to clean the monitor after :)


Monday, January 3, 2011

Junk in the Trunk (er, I mean drawer)

I have been challenged by a fellow blogger to a 21 day "Get Organized" Challenge.  I love being organized. Well, I love the IDEA of being organized. Almost as much as I love the IDEA of being on time everywhere we go. It's just the making it happen consistently with 6 people living in 1 space. Not to mention my ongoing "projects".......and I did say not to mention them so.....we won't ;)

Basically the challenge goes like this: Every day for the next 21 days (with the exception of Sunday's) she posts a new challenge to complete within the next 24 hours (or longer if necessary). I then take a before pic to post(Eeeek!), complete the task and then post the after pic of my results. If nothing else I will have started the 2011 with 21 organized spaces in my home. Honestly, I don't like the idea of showing "my mess" but I don't back down from a challenge well either. So here it goes....

Day 1 a.k.a Junk in the Trunk  Drawer
This is my before.  This is the one drawer that we ALL drop our misc stuff in. It. is. scary. We're talking monsters in the bed, don't really know how long it's been since I've seen the back of the drawer scary. I may have been known to do an arm sweep of the counter into this drawer in panic over the ring of an unexpected doorbell kind of s.c.a.r.y. I will never admit to it ...but it may have happened (more than once) I will not back down from a challenge.... so I dumped it all in a basket and sat myself down to sort said "junk" and most of it was just that.

And the After.........

...............(insert *angels singing* here)

Much prettier now.
I think I'm going to enjoy the next 20 days!

Feeling inspired??? You can take the challenge too!!Just follow the daily challenges over at A bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge for more details!!