Perhaps that seems cryptically peculiar, what relevance could that ordinary day hold in comparison to the final day. You see in the life of a Chase, no day is ordinary. (No, really. If you know my family personally, Can I get an Amen?)
Let's recount the days events:
7:00 drag myself out of bed searching for the coffee pot, exhausted from a week or more of late night studying
7:15 throw lunches and in backpacks and get dressed.
7:30 alarm sounding like an old car horn announces that is time to leave the house.
7:45 Drop big kids off at Jr. High
7:55 Drop littles off at elementary.
8:30am-2:pm write papers, take exams, blah, blah, blah
2:05pm (here's where it gets interesting) receive text from my best friend. The message goes something like this:
BF: Am I picking up the children today?
Me: No, I can get them but I have a little adventure to go on. Wanna join? It's a local adventure.
BF: Does it involve butter?
Me: Nooooo
BF: Squirrel hunting? (she is merely joking. Its not like these things have actually happened. well....maybe)
Me: Noooo. But this one may top them all.
BF: Okay, you got me. I'm in.(side-note: neither of us can pass up a good adventure. "Adventure is out there"-Up)
Me: Ok, I'll tell you where we're going when I see you.
10 mins later----
BF: So where are we going?
Me: The cemetery.
BF: What?
Me: Yep. Its research for a paper. Death, Grief and Dying class. (no, no that's not a joke)
BF: reading my paper assignment :" Research in a manner that an anthropologist or private detective would...."Wait! Let's be detectives! We are going to need more time. We'll get the kids first.
The rest of the day goes something like this:
Remove baskets from back of van to allow room for people. Chase baskets that roll out of back of van when opening van trunk. Grab healthy snacks from home. Pick up littles. Help do littles homework in the van,. Pick up big kids. Take them to church to volunteer. Submit camp applications.Talk to various persons interested in Bountiful Baskets. Talk over new business idea with husband on the way.Take littles BF & husband to cemetery to do research.
It was a lovely day for a stroll through the cemetery. There is actually a lot of history to be learned there. However, it only occurred to me on the way there that the littles had never actually been to a cemetery or had we ever discussed what a cemetery was for. Now seemed to be a good time to bring that up.
Well, conversations with my littles are always colorful to say the least and this conversation would provide to be no less entertaining. We recapped our beliefs on where soul vs body goes, why we were going today, and what could be learned, and proper cemetery etiquette.
Some questions that arose were:
So, Why I can't jump rope in the cemetery? Are we going to dig them up? You men, they are ALL dead? Are we going to die too? Are they going to come alive one day? (yes we covered the rapture) Which person should I wish to come alive? Why can't I? Is that how we get zombies?
All was going well until....."Oh oh look they're just doing some work out no...that's a grave". Yep, my course did say not to neglect exposing children to death. I'll just put a check next to that one.