Monday, February 6, 2012

What I really want to be doing......

This season of my life is filled with lots of pressure. Timelines and stress. All good, well mostly good, things going on in my life. This is my last semester of college, WooHoo! It is something I have been working to complete since Sebastian was 3 months old. Nothing like taking 15 hrs and completing an internship in one semester.

Then there are the usual mom duties with 4 children. To-From school pickups, homework- theirs and mine, meal planning & dinnertime, bathtime & bedtime, stories & prayers, lunches to be packed and laundry to be completed. In my spare time, (ha), I like to schedule CPR classes and plan our annual booth arrangement at our local Home & Family Expo. Well, that and SLEEP. I love sleep. Trying to be better about doing that on a regular schedule too.

All of this said not to brag on what I am "busy" with but really to reflect on what my heart longs to do more of. Those things that are painted on sign like "I'd rather be" fishing".  Today, I'd rather be reading books to my littles like How I Became a Pirate or using my extra thoughts to think up healthier "fun" lunches   packing them in cool lunch boxes, instead of the boring sandwiches, carrot sticks/apple slices, & water bottle combs that are occurring almost daily right now.  I would also rather blog more. I have lots of thought and happenings in my life that i would really like to get archived somewhere. I'm sure some of it is interesting ;).

 And I want to plan more parties. I LOVE planning parties, mostly kids parties. Although any party will do. I love the theme planning, all the little details, the cupcakes, the favors....Ahhh just everything. I would spend my time throwing my kids and their friends and mine parties, play dates, etc. I love celebrating the moments of everyday life.  Now in my life there is ALWAYS celebrating, don't get me wrong, but there would certainly be more of it.

In a few more months, 2.5 to be exact, this is what I will be doing. When people ask me " So what are you going to do after you graduate?' My answer will be " I'm gong to read more books with my kids, make funny shapes out of food, blog more, and throw more parties. & take a family vacation to Disney"  Oh yea, I also want to go to Disney World. I'm going to do that after I graduate too. Seems normal right?

Until next time friends :)